Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion

Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion
Genre Science fiction
Created by Rolf Honold
Hans Gottschalk a.k.a. W.G. Larsen
Directed by Theo Mezger
Michael Braun
Starring Dietmar Schönherr
Eva Pflug
Wolfgang Völz
Claus Holm
Friedrich G. Beckhaus
Ursula Lillig
Charlotte Kerr
Franz Schafheitlin
Composer(s) Peter Thomas
Country of origin  Germany (West)
Language(s) German
No. of seasons 1
No. of episodes 7
Producer(s) Hans Gottschalk
Helmut Krapp
Editor(s) Anneliese Schönnenbeck
Johannes Nikel
Cinematography Kurt Hasse
W.P. Hassenstein
Running time 60 min each
Production company(s) Bavaria Atelier GmbH
Original channel ARD, ORTF
Picture format 4:3
Audio format Monaural
Original run September 17, 1966 – December 10, 1966

Raumpatrouille – Die phantastischen Abenteuer des Raumschiffes Orion (literal translation: Space Patrol – The Fantastic Adventures of the Spaceship Orion), also known as Raumpatrouille Orion, and Space Patrol Orion in English, was the first German science fiction television series. Its seven episodes were broadcast by ARD beginning September 17, 1966 six years before Star Trek first aired in West Germany (in 1972). Being a huge success with several reruns audience ratings went up to 56 %.[1] Over the years, the series acquired a distinct cult status in Germany .



In the series flying saucers, such as spaceship Orion, are flown by humans, whilst the aliens fly fighter jet-like contraptions. The titular ship of the series title, "Spaceship Orion", (German "Raumschiff Orion") is portrayed as being a fast space cruiser (German: Schneller Raumkreuzer), the newest starship in mankind's fleet and the fastest spacecraft ever created by humans.

In an entertaining and ironic way the show tells the story of Commander Cliff Allister McLane (Dietmar Schönherr), an Earth starship captain and his loyal crew. He is Orion's commander in the developing war against an alien race called the Frogs. He is notoriously defiant towards his superiors.


(As the intro of the series says "there are no nations anymore", the names of the characters hint at a nationality, but they are obviously members of a united Earth and not separate countries.)

Fictional Technology in Space Patrol

Special effects and set decoration

Many of the special effects seen in the black-and-white series, like the underwater casino and space port, were created by means of the Schüfftan process.

As the series' budget was comparatively low, the set designers resorted to using modified common everyday objects; for instance, electric irons, inverted clock pendulums, washing-machine console parts and designer pencil sharpeners were used as props control panels, sewing thread coils and banana plugs as futuristic machine parts, and plastic cups as ceiling lights. Many panels were produced by the then-newly invented thermoforming process. Lots of designer furniture was also used, notably Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's 258-type couch, Harry Bertoia's Diamond-type armchair, Yrjö Kukkapuro's Karusseli-type armchair, Charles Eames's Aluminium group #EA105 chair, George Nelson's DAF Chair and Eero Saarinen's Tulpe table/chair combo. Joe Colombo's famous Smoke-type drinking glasses were used throughout the series.

Orion's cockpit was a 2.50m high, 10m wide interior set, built within a 28m exterior diameter sound stage. It stood on a 60 cm high metal tube construction to hide the 10,000m cable harness that connected its 3,200 flashing light bulbs to a 40 kg, electric motor-driven pinned-barrel mechanical sequencer.

The stage designer was Rolf Zehetbauer, who later won an Academy Award for his work on Cabaret.


Rumours about the considerable costs of the series having led to its termination after only seven episodes were denied by the widow of the Orion's original screen writer, implying that it was planned from the start to have only seven installments. More episode screenplays were written than were filmed, however, and it has been claimed that more could not be realised by the German film industry both due to general funding problems and because, after seven episodes, the cost of the SFX and hire of the studio space had drained the resources of the Bavaria Film production company. The French company ORTF contributed 20% to production funding and some scenes, notably in episode 5, were re-shot for the French audience using French actors.


145 novels based on and continuing the series were published over the years, often with settings which were considerably different to those seen in the series.

Feature film

A movie composed of various scenes from the original series, together with some new footage, debuted in 2003 but did not match the success of the original series. As described by Dietmar Schönherr in an interview, the series had tried to deal with serious issues, a fact appreciated by many of its viewers. The movie's producers tried to replicate the series in Trash culture style, however, thereby alienating much of the original fan base. The title of the movie was "Raumpatrouille Orion – Rücksturz ins Kino". The storyline was about the invasion and attacks of the Frogs, the term now becoming an acronym for "Feindliche Raumverbände ohne galaktische Seriennummer". In English this translates as "Enemy Space Formation Without Galactic Serial Identification Number". This description appears for the first time in the film and was never mentioned in the series.

Soundtrack and introduction

The emblematic soundtrack was composed by Peter Thomas.

The voice-over introduction (similar to that used in Star Trek the same year), both set tone and atmosphere of the series.

Voice-over introduction in German:

"Was heute noch wie ein Märchen klingt, kann morgen Wirklichkeit sein. Hier ist ein Märchen von Übermorgen: es gibt keine Nationalstaaten mehr. Es gibt nur noch die Menschheit und ihre Kolonien im Weltraum. Man siedelt auf fernen Sternen. Der Meeresboden ist als Wohnraum erschlossen. Mit heute noch unvorstellbaren Geschwindigkeiten durcheilen Raumschiffe unser Milchstraßensystem. Eins dieser Raumschiffe ist die ORION, winziger Teil eines gigantischen Sicherheitssystems, das die Erde vor Bedrohungen aus dem All schützt. Begleiten wir die ORION und ihre Besatzung bei ihrem Patrouillendienst am Rande der Unendlichkeit."

English translation:

"What may sound like a fairy tale today may be tomorrow's reality. This is a fairy tale from the day after tomorrow: There are no more nations. There is only mankind and its colonies in space. People have settled on faraway stars. The ocean floor has been made habitable. At speed still unimaginable today, space vessels are rushing through our Milky Way. One of these vessels is the ORION, a minuscule part of a gigantic security system protecting the Earth from threats from outer space. Let's accompany the ORION and her crew on their patrol at the edge of infinity."




  1. ^ (German)"Science-Fiction aus dem Baumarkt"WDR

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